Thursday, December 17, 2009



Aum Bhoor Bhuwah Swaha,

Tat Savitur Varenyam
Bhargo Devasaya Dheemahi
Dhiyo Yo Naha Prachodayat

A large part of population chants Gayatri Mantra everyday in the morning. It is the primary Mantra in the Hinduism religion. People are of the belief that, the chanting of Gayathri mantra raises the intellectual level of the person who performs it. Known as the mother of the Vedas, Gayathree Mantra opens the gateway for wisdom, thereby teaching people to follow the righteous path and perform good deeds. In the devotion of Goddess Gayatri, the Gayatri mantra is chanted three times in a day.

Numerous references have been made about the Gayatri mantra in the Upanishads. Each and every word of the mantra has an important message to convey, which if followed sincerely, can make your life beautiful and peaceful. Based on truth, it preaches people to follow the path of honesty and always indulge in activities that are meant for the goodness of mankind. Gayatri mantra is considered to be the best means for connecting to God.

Power of Gayatri Mantra
Rishis and Munis chose the words for the Gayatri mantra and arranged them in such a manner that, the chanting of this mantra created a powerful force. Gayatri manta has a lot of significance and you can yourself feel the power of Gayatri mantra by reciting it in the proper technique. While chanting the Gayatri mantra, always close your eyes and try to concentrate on each and every word that you say and then see the magical effects.


Moksha is a term that refers to liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth. Every person must strive hard and perform good deeds, so that his soul may rest in peace after his death. A person, who attains Moksha, gets freedom from all sorts of sufferings and pain. When a person gives away the materialist pleasures of life and gets involved in social activities to serve mankind, he heads his way towards heaven. Well, Moksha is a very broad term which encompasses numerous aspects like peace, knowledge and enlightenment. In this article, we will tell you the exact meaning of Moksha.

In this section, we will throw light on various aspects of Moksha, which will enable you to clearly understand as to what is Moksha all about.

How to Attain Moksha
In Hindu religion, self realization is considered to be the best means to achieve Moksha. The Hindu Dharma preaches the path of Karma and Bhakti. Well, there can be different ways of achieving salvation. In totality, there are four paths of attaining liberation from the cycle of death and rebirth, namely, selfless work, self dissolving love, deep meditation and total discernment.

Moksha in Different Religions
In the Hindu religion, Moksha is associated with the concept of self realization, in which an individual understands the purpose why he is being sent on earth. When a person realizes the power of God and understands his ultimate goal, he strives hard to reach his final destination, i.e. Moksha or salvation. Among Hindus, Moksha is viewed as the unification of man and God.


Om is of utmost importance in the Hindu religion. The symbol Om is considered to be very sacred, as it represents the Brahman, i.e. the source of life. The day of Hindus begins with the chanting of Aum Mantra. Many Hindus wear the pendants of Om, as it is very auspicious. You will find the Om symbol in almost every Hindu temple. In this article, we will tell you the complete meaning of Om, which will give you clarity about Om and its relevance in the day to day life.

Om is an integral part of daily life of Hindus. It is a word that the people of Hinduism keep uttering every now and then. Infact, a Hindu baby is brought into this world by chanting the holy word 'Om'. When the child is born, he is given a holy bath and it is during this ceremony that the sacred word Om is written on his tongue with honey. Thus, the life of a Hindu begins with Om.

In this section, we will throw light on the following aspects of Om:

Om Symbol
Aum sign is the most prominent symbol of Hinduism. The Om symbol signifies divinity and the oneness of all the creations of God. Om or Aum presents the never ending Brahman, where all forms of life exist.

Power of Om
When you take a deep breath and chant Om, it causes a very calmful effect, which will totally relax your mind and body. It is the first stage of meditation, which aims at drawing your attention away from all other tensions that have occupied your mind.

Om Meditation
Chanting Om is the first step towards meditation. All that you need to do is to hide at a peaceful place, sit down on the floor, gently close your eyes, take a deep breath and chant Om. While doing so, completely relax your muscles. Don't tighten your muscles; otherwise you won't be able to feel the energizing effect of chanting Om.


Peepal tree is considered highly sacred, as people are of the belief that Lord Vishnu and many other Gods used to reside underneath it. Peepul plant is regarded as the representation of various Hindu Gods and Goddesses. The tree is also believed to be associated with the Mother Goddess during the period of Indus Valley civilization. People revere the Pipal tree and also perform a puja in its dedication.

The botanical name of Peepal is Ficus religiosa. This holy plant is known by different names in different languages like Bodhi in Sanskrit, Piplo in Gujrati, Al or Aryal in Malayalam etc. It is said that peepal tree protects mankind from the evil eye and also keeps away dreadful dreams. Mentions have been made about the holiness of Peepal tree in Vedas. Well, apart from its religious significance, Peepal tree is also known for its medicinal value. To know about the benefits and uses of Peepal plant, read on…

Origin of Peepal
Tree In the Hindu religion, Peepal tree has a lot of reverence and significance for people. People worship the tree and perform a puja. But, nobody really knows anything about its history & origin. Well, there are also some interesting legends associated with the Peepal tree. The tree is known for its heart shaped leaves that have long narrowing tips. The origin of peepal tree can be traced back to the times of Indus Valley Civilization (3000 BC - 1700 BC) in the Mohenjodaro city.

Peepal Benefits
Peepal tree is of great medicinal value. Its leaves serve as a wonderful laxative as well as tonic for the body. It is especially useful for patients suffering from Jaundice. It helps to control the excessive amount of urine released during jaundice. The leaves of Peepal are highly effective in treating heart disorders. It helps to control the palpitation of heart and thereby combat the cardiac weakness.


Rudraksha is a term that is used to refer to the broad leaved evergreen trees that can be commonly found in the areas lying between the Gangetic plains and the foothills of the Himalayas. When fully ripe, a thin blue color outer shell covers the seeds of Rudraksh. It is owing to this reason that, sometimes the Rudraksha seeds are also known as blueberry beads. The Rudraksha beads have a lot of significance. Rudraksha is a popular traditional Indian medicine that is extensively used to treat several kinds of diseases. To know more about what is Rudraksa, read on…

In this section, we will throw light on the following aspects that will make the meaning of Rudraksh absolutely clear to you.

Power of Rudraksha
A person who wears Rudraksha gets all his sins washed and heads his way towards his ultimate destination. The devotees of Lord Shiva are usually given Rudraksha for peace. A person tends to become pure after wearing the Rudraksha beads.

History of Rudraksha
The term Rudraksh basically refers to the tears of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva meditated for several years for the wellbeing of all creatures. But, when he opened his eyes to see around, he saw people in pain.

Types of Rudraksha Beads
Rudraksha beads are basically the tears of Lord Shiva that rolled down his eyes after seeing the sufferings of people. It is owing to this reason that these Rudraksha beads are considered to be of paramount importance. In the eyes of people, Rudraksh beads are the gift of God to mankind. There are various types of Rudraksha beads available, each having its own importance.


Swastika symbol has a lot of relevance for people in India. Though, Swastik sign is adopted by people of all religions, but it is especially popular amongst the Hindus. The term Swastika has been derived from the Sanskrit word "Svastika", which means well being. Swastika is considered to be a mark of auspiciousness and good fortune. Red Swastika is the sign of Hindus, which depicts a cross with four arms of equal lengths. The end of each of the arms is bent at a right angle. At times, dots are also added between the arms. To know about the meaning and significance of Svastika cross, read on.

In this section, we will cover the following aspects related to Indian Swastika:

History of Swastika Symbol Indo Aryans, Greeks, Hittites and Celts made an extensive use of the Swastika cross in the historic times. Swastika has been a sacred symbol of Hindus since ages. There are millions of people who support as well as advocate the use of Swastik; thereby popularizing it in such a manner that it seems to have its relevance not just in the past but also in the present society.

Significance of Swastik in Hinduism
The symbol of Swastika is considered to be highly auspicious and thus it is quite often used in the art and architecture of Hindus. It finds a special place for itself in the wedding decorations. Swastika designs can be found in temples, doorways, clothing, cars etc. Most of the wedding cards have the Swastik symbol imprinted on them.

Significance of Swastik in Buddhism
Swastika is a symbol of good fortune in Buddhist religion. It represents the footprints and heart of Buddha. Thus, it is considered to be very holy and extensively brought to use by Buddhists. Infact, in all the images of Gautam Buddha, you'll find Swastik cross imprinted on his chest, palms and feet.

Significance of Swastik in Jainism
Swastika symbol has much more relevance and significance in the Jain religion as compared to the Hindu religion. In Jainism, Swastika represents the Seventh Jina, more popularly known as the Tirthankara Suparsva. It is one of the most prominent auspicious symbols of the present era. In the cultural traditions of Svetambar Jains, Swastika is one of the main symbols of the ashta-mangalas.


The forehead mark Tilak has a lot of significance in India, as it is believed to be associated with good luck. Tilak is applied on the space between the eyebrows, which is referred to as Ajna Chakra. The Hindu symbol Tilak stands for victory, success and good fortune. The tradition of applying Tilaka is being practiced since ages. There are different kinds of tilak; some are made by using sandal paste, while others use kumkum, sacred ashes (vibhuti) and turmeric. In many Hindu families, Tilaka is worn on a daily basis, before stepping out of house to ensure health and safety. While other people wear it on specific religious occasions.

Significance of Tilak
There are different types of Tilak, each differing in its significance. Tilak is worn on the Ajna Chakra, the centre of forehead, on the space between the eyebrows. Tilak is applied on the point at which the third eye or the spiritual eye is believed to open.

Types of Tilak
As per the traditions of Hindus, there are varied kinds of Tilak, each having its distinctive importance. Regarded as the sign of good luck and prosperity, Tilak is applied on the forehead. The forehead mark Tilak can be made by using sandal paste, turmeric, holy ashes (Vibhuti) or kumkum. The worshippers of Lord Shiva called Saivites apply tilak made out of sacred ashes, since it symbolizes purity, consecration and sanctification.


Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Lamiales
Family: Lamiaceae
Genus: Ocimum
Species: O. tenuiflorum
Botanical name: Ocimum tenuiflorum

The Indian herbal plant Tulsi has a lot of significance in the Hindu religion. The term "Tulsi" is used in the context of one who is absolutely incomparable. Tulsi has a lot of reverence for the Hindus. Infact, people worship Tulsi everyday in the morning as well as evening time. This Indian basil basically grows in the warm and tropical regions. There are two main varieties of this aromatic plant, namely Shyama tulsi and Rama tulsi. Well, out of the two, the former one is of greater medicinal value. Rama Tulsi, on the hand, is primarily used for worship.

In this section, we will cover the following aspects related to the holy basil Tulsi:

Tulsi Benefits
Tulsi plant has a lot of significance for mankind, due to the manifold medicinal benefits it provides. Tulsi leaves are widely used in the preparation of Ayurvedic medicines. It is known to promote the longevity of life. The extracts obtained from the plant are extensively brought to use for curing various diseases such as the common cold, inflammation, malaria, heart disease, headaches etc.

Tulsi Legends
Tulsi is considered to be highly sacred in the Hindu religion. Most of the Hindus offer daily prayers to Tulsi Devi. But, not many people are aware about the origin of Tulasi plant. Well, there are many interesting legends about Tulsi. There is a famous legend about Krishna Tulsi, which suggests that Tulsi was the incarnation of a gopi, who was deeply in love with Lord Krishna. She was cursed by Radha, the consort of the Lord.

Tulsi Vivah
Tulsi vivah is a grand festivity that has a lot of significance for Hindus. There is an interesting legend behind the celebration of Tulsi vivah festival. Tulsi is considered to be an incarnation of Maha Lakshmi, who was born as Vrinda in her previous birth. Tulsi was married to a demon king Jalandhar. She offered prayers to Lord Vishnu to protect her husband from being harmed by any God.

Tulsi Puja
Tulsi is a consecrated plant that holds lot of importance for the traditional Hindus. In most of the Hindu homes, people worship Tulsi plant on a daily basis. Many people keep a plant of Tulsi in front of their house, since Tulsi has a lot of reverence for them.

Tulsi as a Deity
Tulsi is a prominent Indian basil that is considered to be very sacred. In the house of every Hindu family, you'll find a Tulsi planted in the courtyard. In certain homes, Tulsi plant is kept in a specially constructed structure and is surrounded by images of Hindu Gods and Goddesses from all four sides.


The term Karma refers to the deeds performed by an individual, which ultimately decides his destiny. Thus, Karma and destiny are associated with each other. The kind of karma that a person carries out tells a lot about his character and personality. A person is not born great or small, it is his deeds or the karmas that make him noble or criminal. The God maintains an account of our karmas and accordingly we get the fruit, which can be good or bad. Well, in this article, we will give you a clear idea about the meaning of Karma. Read on to know about the effects of Karma.

There are basically three types of Karmas:

  • Sukarma: it refers to the good deeds or the positive actions that a man performs for the goodness and welfare of mankind. It is an act, in which both the parties, as in the one who is performing the act and the one for whom the deed is carried out, both derive pleasure and happiness. It is based on the concept that if I do something for you, you feel thrilled and seeing you happy and cheerful, I derive pleasure and contentment.
  • Vikarma: It refers to the selfish acts that are performed to cause harm to others or to pose hindrances in the success and prosperity of others. Well, these kinds of karmas are usually performed by crooks, who can't see others happy and their gladness lies in the sorrows of others.
  • Akarma: it refers to the neutral actions. It means the activities that you are carrying out neither cause any kind of harm to the other person nor do they bring any sort of happiness to others.

Law of Karma
The law of karma is based on the concept of cause and effect relationship. It says that, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The kind of deeds an individual performs, determines his fate. Karmas are performed only in the human life. It is the karmas that will ultimately decide that a person after his death will head his way for heaven or hell.

Karma and Reincarnation
Many people are in a habit of cribbing their fate for the bad things that happen to them. Well, the law of Karma instead emphasizes that it is not your luck that gives you happiness or suffering, but it is your own Karmas that decide your destiny.


Namaste word has been derived from two Sanskrit words 'nama' meaning to bow and 'te' meaning you. It is a beautiful way of greeting people in India. Namaste is basically a way of saying hello what Englishmen usually do. Namaste is wished by folding the palms together resembling the prayer position. Well, in this article, we will give you the definition of Namaste, which is also known as Namaskar.

Namaste is a gesture of saying that "I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me." It is a way of expressing that you and I are equal. While saying Namaste, the folded hands are usually kept close to the heart, thus indicating that I am glad to meet you and I am saying this from heart. It also acts as a mark of respect for elders. Namaste is the first thing that is taught to a child born in Indian families. To know more about the meaning of Namaste, read on.

In this section, we will throw light on the following aspects of Namaste:

Namaste has a lot of significance for the people of India. Well, Namaste is the folding of palms close to your heart, as a way of greeting the other person. It is usually accompanied by slight bowing of head. The hands that are held in unison represent the meeting of spirits.

Namaste is a gesture that is used in various contexts, on one hand where it is used for greeting the elders, then on the other hand, it is brought to use in the practice of yoga as an important Mudra. It is widely used in the culture of Buddhists.

How to Say Namaste
The right way of saying Namaste requires you to fold your hands, touch your palms and take the clasped hands close to your heart, resembling the position of hands while performing prayers and then wish your elders 'Namaste'. Talking about how to pronounce Namaste, the correct way is to speak like this "Nam-a-stay".

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